Four years too fast
April 20, 2017, Lauren McCarthy
UofSC had the opportunity to talk to some seniors graduating in May. Here is what a few students have planned after graduation and what they’re going to miss most about Carolina.
April 20, 2017, Lauren McCarthy
UofSC had the opportunity to talk to some seniors graduating in May. Here is what a few students have planned after graduation and what they’re going to miss most about Carolina.
March 24, 2017, Lauren McCarthy
It’s job-hunting season for students in search of internships, part-time gigs and first jobs after graduation. What’s New @UofSC sat down with Mark Anthony, associate director for career development and experiential education, to get some tips on a successful search.
October 26, 2016, Lauren McCarthy
Allie Minarik is a senior theater and history major from North Myrtle Beach, S.C. In the class Theater 230-Stage Makeup, Minarik has learned new stage makeup techniques, and now she’s taking those skills offstage. Minarik explains to UofSC how to perfectly blend, brush and bleed for her favorite holiday: Halloween.
October 06, 2016, Lauren McCarthy
Here are some fun ways for students to spend their time off. With so many things within a couple hours’ drive from Columbia, there is always something to do during fall break.