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College of Education

Student Affairs Committee

The work of the committee includes, but is not limited to:

  • Hearing student-initiated appeals including academic appeals and faculty related complaints and grievances
  • Considering and acting upon requests from students for relief from specific college or university rules and regulations pertaining to academic progress towards certification or degrees
  • Adjudicating alleged infractions of the code of student academic responsibility
  • Responsibility for the scholarship and awards processes delegated to it.

The committee’s functions also include formulation and implementation of appropriate policies and procedures for the granting of designated award decisions, overseeing the processes for awarding scholarships in the various program areas, assisting with publicity regarding available scholarships and awards, and planning the annual awards recognition ceremony.


Committee Membership

The committee is comprised of six people: two elected from the departments of Educational and Developmental Science, Leadership, Learning Design, and Inquiry, and the Teacher Education department for two year terms (staggered). Two graduate student members also serve on the Advanced Programs Committee. At least one representative from each department must be a tenured faculty member. Two student members also serve on the Student Affairs Committee.

Ex-officio: Associate Dean, Academic Affairs

Committee terms: two years for faculty, one year for students.

Russ Haber Educational and Developmental Science (2016-2018)
WIlliam Morris* Educational and Developmental Science (2016-2018)
Henry Tran Leadership, Learning Design, and Inquiry (2016-2018)
Michele Myers Teacher Education (2016-2018)
Toni Williams Teacher Education (2016-2018)
Vacant Student Representative
 Vacant Student Representative

Thomas Hodges (Ex-officio)

* Indicates chair of the committee

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