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Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chemical Hygiene Plan

Every laboratory is required to have a lab-specific Chemical Hygiene Plan and Safety Manual.  Laboratory and research directors are reminded that new individuals working in their laboratories must sign on the appropriate page of the chemical hygiene plan acknowledging that they have read the chemical hygiene plan.

Additional Information

If your laboratory works with any chemical, biological, or radiological hazards, you should print and include the following manuals from USC Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) as addenda to your chemical hygiene plan:

The USC Biological Safety page contains information biological safety policies and procedures of University of South Carolina for users of biohazardous materials, including the USC Biological Safety Manual [pdf].  Other information on biosafety can be found on the Centers for Disease Control site.  Download the CDC manual on Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th edition [pdf] for more information.

Infectious waste disposal information is available in the USC Infectious Waste Disposal Manual [pdf].  For pickup of such waste, please send an email to Mark Robbins ( or 803-777-4042) of USC EHS.  Include "Biosafety Waste Pickup" in the subject line.

USCs Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure Protocol is on the EHS biological safety page.  Find the blood borne pathogen training on the USC EHS webpage.

Radiation safety information is available on the USC EHS site.  If you have any questions about radioactive materials and protocols, you might want to check with the USC EHS Radiation Safety Officer, or with Hanno Zur Loye (, chair of the USC Radiation Safety Committee.

Hazardous waste information is available on the USC EHS site. Chemical spill clean-up procedures [pdf] and information on recycling chemicals is also available.  To request a waste pickup, complete an online form detailing the basic information needed for the USC Hazardous Waste Team to collect wastes from your laboratories/workspaces and be prepared needed supplies.  For other information such as obtaining supplies, tags, or labels, send email to Jeff Brannon at or call 803-777-5269.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.