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Department of Psychology

  • close up of child's eye

Research and Clinical Facilities

Our department offers numerous opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students to conduct and present research and gain experience in a research lab. 

Research at All Levels

A graduate degree is often research-intensive and our opportunities for graduate research are extensive. Because we're part of a large university even our undergraduates also have many opportunities for research. Why now? Early research experience makes your applications to graduate school more attractive, you can learn more about your favorite topics and build relationships with professors, graduate students, and mentors, and you'll have hands-on experience, before you even have a degree. Undergraduate research can also be done for academic credit, and you may even have the chance to present your work.

Our research foci include:

  • Social, emotional, behavioral and health functioning of children and adolescents
  • Cognitive neuroscience of attention, language, memory, emotion and cognition
  • Psychological development, etiology, prevention, and treatment in communities, family and school contexts
  • Behavioral neuroscience
  • Multicultural psychology
  • Quantitative psychology

Our facilities

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.