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Department of Political Science


Susan Spice

Title: Visiting Assistant Professor of Public Administration
College of Arts and Sciences
LinkedIn: My LinkedIn profile
a photo of a woman with blonde hair and redish glasses on smiling indoors

Susan Spice returns to the University of South Carolina for a third year as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Public Administration. She has previously served as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Public Administration at New Mexico State University (4 years), Auburn University (2 years), and the University of Central Florida (1 year). She has taught across the MPA core curriculum as well as graduate and undergraduate courses in Nonprofit Management, Emergency Management, and various policy and political science courses. She has taught first-generation students, international students, mature and returning students, and students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. She is experienced in teaching face-to-face, online, and hybrid teaching environments. A student-focused educator, she incorporates her personal practitioner experience as well as experiential- and service-learning activities to help students translate theory into practical application.

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