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Interpersonal Violence

Process Improvement in Advocacy and Support Subgroup

Title IX Task Force Findings

There is a lack of ongoing review of risk to the complainant, which may undermine measures to protect against further harassment and retaliation. While support is offered to student respondents through the Respondent Resource Committee, in practice, few student respondents utilize these services.


Members of Advocacy Subgroup

Rushondra James, Staff Senate Representative, Assistant Dean for Student Services, College of Information and Communications; Marc Shook, Dean of Students, Deputy Title IX Director and Interim University Title IX Coordinator; Emily Mathias, Graduate Student Representative; Shannon Nix, Associate Director of Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention & Prevention; Aubrey K. Jenkins, Digital Strategist, Communications and Public Affairs.


Prioritized Action Items and Timeline for Deployment


1. Funding Allocation/ SAVIP

Action Item / Completion Goal
Examine funding allocation for office of Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention & Prevention.

SAVIP has begun benchmarking to examine the funding in their department compared to our peer institutions. Initial benchmarking indicates SAVIP needs one additional FTE Staff to serve in the role of advocate, and one additional FTE staff to serve in the Title IX office as an education and prevention coordinator. This has been recommended for consideration along with the organizational structure for the proposed Title IX Office. This will be completed in Fall of 2021.


2. Follow Up Interviews

Action Item / Completion Goal
Conduct follow up interviews for both respondents and complaints at the conclusion of a Title IX process to seek feedback on their experience with the process.

To ensure and maintain a transparent, thorough, and fair process, the Title IX Task Force recommend follow up interviews or surveys for respondents and complainants upon the completion of university involvement. These will give participants the opportunity to provide feedback on the University’s Title IX process and allow the university to assess effectiveness and revise policies and procedures as necessary to address recurrent concerns. They will begin with new office structure in Title IX Office in academic year 2021-2022.


3. Student Title IX and Interpersonal Violence Respondent Resource Committee (RRC)

Action Item / Completion Goal
Committee chair will reach out directly to all respondents. 

In efforts to strive for better advocacy for respondents, the currently functioning Student Title IX and Interpersonal Violence Respondent Resource Committee is changing how it connects with the Title IX respondents. Historically, respondents were notified of the complaint by the EOP charge letter and then given the responsibility to contact the Committee. Moving forward in the Fall of 2021, the chair of the RRC will reach out directly to all student respondents once a formal complaint has filed. With the new Title IX organizational structure, it is recommended that a member of the intake and outreach staff reach out to faculty/staff respondents to offer supportive measure and guidance navigating the process. 

Interpersonal Violence

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