Engagement Details

Global USC in the Galapagos


What to Expect

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador


Course Description:
Students participating in the Global USC in the Galápagos: Sustainability program are accompanied by a USC staff member, and courses are instructed by USC faculty. During this program, students study at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) Galápagos campus while living in a homestay on San Cristóbal Island. USFQ is the only university in the world with a campus on the Galápagos islands. In addition to taking courses, students participate in educational and cultural excursions, which include trips to several other islands in the Galápagos.

Term: Summer

Participation Instructions: Eligibility: USC undergraduate students with a minimum 2.5 GPA are eligible to participate in this program. All majors are welcome. There is no foreign language requirement. Cost: USC in-state tuition for the class, plus a program fee of $5,250



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