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CAMPUS CLOSED: Because of hazardous weather conditions in our region, USC Salkehatchie will REMAIN CLOSED ON FRIDAY, SEPT 27. Updates on potential cancellations or closings will be posted on, social media and through Carolina Alerts.

Faculty and Staff

Wei-Kai Lai, Ph.D.

Title: Professor of Mathematics
Division Chair of Math, Sciences, and Professional Studies
Department: Math
USC Salkehatchie
Phone: 843-782-8611 Walterboro or 803-812-7346 Allendale
Office: Room 101, Nursing/Science Building (Walterboro), Room 115, No.1, Spruce Hall (Allendale)
Resources: American Mathematics Society(AMS)
Mathematical Association of America(MAA)
Wei-Kai Lai


Ph.D. of Mathematics, 2008,  University of Mississippi
M.S. of Mathematics, 2000, National Taiwan Normal University
B.S. of Mathematics, 1998, National Taiwan University

Selected publications:

Lai, W.K., and Risher, J., Generalizing Inequalities Using Power Series Approach, International Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications8 (2), 2020, 107-112. 

Lai, W.K., Generalization of an Inequality with Sum of Fractions, International Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications6 (3), 2018, 227-230. 

Lai, W.K., and Risher, J., Generalization of a Class of Cyclic Inequalities, International Mathematical Forum13 (3), 2018, 137-145.

Lai, W.K., and Risher, J., Generalization of Two Inequalities Involving AM, GM, and HM, International Mathematical Forum11 (21), 2016, 1027-1035. 

Lai, W.K., and Kim, E., Some Inequalities Involving Geometric and Harmonic Means, International Mathematical Forum11 (4), 2016, 163-169. 

Lai, W.K., and Kalacanic, C., On Power Tower of Integers, International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention3 (8), 2015, 29-33. 

Rufty, C., and Lai, W.K., Solving Simple Japanese Ladder Games, Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science13 (2), Oct., 2015, 1-4.

Lai, W.K., Rearrangement Inequality and Chebyshev’s Sum Inequality on Positive Tensor Products of Orlicz Sequence Space with Banach Lattice, Journal of Mathematics and System Science 4 (8), 2014, 574-578. 

Lai, W.K., A Rearrangement Inequality on Positive Tensor Products of Banach Lattices, Journal of Mathematics and System Science 4 (6), 2014, 387-390.

Bu, Q., Buskes, G, and Lai, W.K., The Radon-Nikodym Property for Tensor Products of Banach Lattices II, Positivity 12 (2008), 45-54 



  • 2021 Chris P. Plyler Excellence in Service Award, recipient
  • 2020 USC Salkehatchie Faculty Award in Service, recipient
  • 2018 Denise Shaw Excellence in Research Award, recipient  
  • 2016 USC Salkehatchie Service Award, recipient 
  • 2013 John J. Duffy Excellence in Teaching Award, recipient
  • 2012 USC Salkehatchie Professor of the Year, recipient


Banach Space Theory, Positive Operator, Mathematical Inequalities, Recreational Mathematics


  • classical music
  • cooking 
