“Something significant, elemental, and profound”: Celebrating 100 Years of The Great Gatsby - January 24 to July 15 2025
Regarded by many as the “Great American Novel,” F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby was first published on April 10, 2025. In celebration of the novel’s 100th anniversary, this exhibit features items from the Matthew J. & Arlyn Bruccoli Collection of F. Scott Fitzgerald, which constitutes the most comprehensive research collection for the study and teaching of Fitzgerald, those associated with him, and his times. The exhibit features notable items including the contract, galley proofs and first edition of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald’s manuscript ledger book, letters written while he was drafting the novel, inscribed and annotated copies, and material from Fitzgerald’s friends and contemporaries, such as Ernest Hemingway, Max Perkins, T. S. Eliot, Gertrude Stein, and others.