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Office of the Provost

Osborne Administration Building

Course Actions

Course development consists of the creation of new courses and the revision or termination of existing courses. Revisions may include changes to the bulletin, delivery method, or other edits to be approved through faculty governance.

Course Development

Course development consists of creation and revision of curricula.

The faculty of the University has legislative authority over matters pertaining to the curriculum on the campus where they serve. Faculty governance committees on each campus review all requests to create, revise, or eliminate graduate and undergraduate courses to ensure all offerings meet the academic expectation of the University. 

See ACAF 2.03 Creation and Revision of Academic Courses [pdf]

Propose a new course

New courses require approval by the Unit Head, College/School Representative, Curricula and Courses and Faculty Senate or Graduate Council. Proposals for new courses are submitted in APPS. The C & C committee, Faculty Senate or Graduate Council may request program representation at meetings to address questions or concerns.

Propose a change to a course

Changes to an existing course require approval by the Unit Head, Office of Distributed Learning (if adding DL delivery), College/School Representative, Carolina Core Committee (if change is to or adding a Carolina Core course) and Faculty Senate or Graduate Council.  Changes may include hours, bulletin description, pre-requisites, etc.  Proposals for course changes are submitted in APPS. The C & C committee, Faculty Senate or Graduate Council may request program representation at meetings to address questions or concerns.

Propose a course termination

Course terminations require approval at Department, College Representative, Curricula and Courses/Faculty Senate or Graduate Council. Proposals for course termination are submitted in APPS. The C & C committee, Faculty Senate or Graduate Council may request program representation at meetings to address questions or concerns.

Designating a foundational course as Carolina Core

Designating a course as Carolina Core requires approval by the Carolina Core Committee.  For a new course submitted in APPS, complete the Carolina Core information. If adding the Carolina Core designation to an existing course, a course change proposal must be submitted in APPS with the Carolina Core information completed.

Integrative Course Proposals

An Integrative course is an upper division course that includes one or more learning outcomes from the Carolina Core. The purpose of this course is to ensure that learning outcomes from the Core are integrated into higher level classes in the major.  This process is based on the original intent of integrative courses from the 10-06-2010 Faculty Senate meeting which gave individual academic programs the leeway to design these courses as they see fit. The intent of these courses is to facilitate awareness and attention to some of the Core foundational skills or knowledge being threaded up through the curriculum.   As a result, regulatory oversight is ceded predominantly to the academic unit.

A department must identify one or more upper-level major courses that incorporates one or more of the Carolina Core learning outcomes such that every student in that major will take at least one integrative course.  The following is the process to designate or delete an Integrative course.

Add an Integrative Course

Submit a new course proposal or course change proposal as appropriate in APPS. In the justification section, provide the following information: Carolina Core Integrative Course, Major Name, Degree (e.g., ANTH 444, Anthropology, B.S.) and explain which Carolina Core Learning outcomes are met by the course and how the course meets the Carolina Core Learning outcome(s). No syllabus is required.

Delete an Integrative Course

For deletions of only the Integrative Course designation (not the whole course), submit a course change proposal in APPS and state in the justification that the Integrative Course designation is being deleted. 

Upon Approval in Faculty Senate, the Integrative Course will be scribed into Degree Works. The Office of Academic Programs will also report the information to the Office of the Provost to ensure that the Carolina Core website is updated and the records in the Office of the Provost are updated.

Propose Distributed Learning course delivery

Adding Distributed Learning (DL) ( 50% or more synchronous or asynchronous) to a course requires approval. If web delivery is > 50%, additional information must be provided in APPS and a syllabus provided that includes elements identified by the Committee on Curricula and Courses.

Propose Special Topics Courses (STC)

Undergraduate and Graduate courses need to complete Special Topics Form. A tutorial for completing the form can be found here. If you have questions about the form, please contact the Registrar's Office at


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